Our professors often collaborate with their students in meaningful research projects in fact, students frequently present their findings at professional conferences sponsored by such organizations as the American College of Sports Medicine. Practical application occurs in several on campus clinics and labs as well as opportunities for off campus fieldwork or internships. Our exercise science courses emphasize current research as well as its practical application. It is a relatively new subject and has gained popularity in the final. You will develop the skills to be successful. In our strength training and conditioning program, you’ll focus on athlete health, injury prevention, and the improvement of athletic performance. The study of sport science calls upon and uses many other academic studies and areas, like physiology, psychology, engineering, chemistry and anatomy. The United States Sports Academy’s Bachelor of Sports Science (B.S.S.) degree in strength and conditioning will prepare you for the sports field. Human movement is a related scientific discipline. Aligned with Ithaca College's liberal arts tradition, you will also take classes in other disciplines: creative arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. Sport science is the study of how the healthy human body works during exercise, and how sport and physical activity promotes health physically, mentally and socially. Sport Science is a discipline that studies the application of scientific principles and techniques with the aim of improving sporting performance. You have the option to also focus on a minor. You will be able to customize your degree to your interests, by selecting one of four concentrations (clinical exercise and wellness, medical sciences, sport sciences, or strength and conditioning). HSE101 Principles of Exercise and Sport Science students are required to complete a Level 2 First Aid at your own expense. Our flexible, broad-based program combines major courses with a large number of electives. The course comprises a total of 32 credit points which must include 16 core units in the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science, 15 core units and 1 elective unit in the Bachelor of Business (Sport Management). Whether you plan to go directly to graduate school or work in an exercise-related field upon graduation, our exercise science degree will provide you with the strong science foundation necessary for future success. in Exercise and Sport Science The Exercise and Sport Science major grounds students in the movement sciences, which promotes improvements in health, fitness, and/or performance for the physically active.